RWC Ambassadors WANTED (message from Andy Wilesmith)

RWC Ambassador Role - Process web RWC Ambassador RoleI have attached the role advert for the Rugby World Cup Ambassadors role here. These will be the individuals that, over the World Cup, will be the central point of contact via the website. So when a parent wants to find out more information about the Club and joining, they can contact the Ambassador beforehand and then find out arrangements when they come to the Club on a Sunday (including when matches are and training). Onthe Sunday an Ambassador will be at the World Cup Corner where new people will go as first point of contact. The Ambassador then introduces the parent and child to the coaches. The child joins in the session, meanwhile the Ambassador takes the parent to get a cup of tea and introduces them to Carolynne who can discuss membership. The attached flow chart explains.

Please can you push this role out to all your parents, work colleagues, friends, put it on Facebook, Twitter etc. Volunteers can be from within the Club or outside. We are looking for about 3 volunteers ideally. Each coach that finds a WILLING volunteer for this role will get bought a beer by Andy Wilesmith! First three win!
We DON’T want people that are current volunteers (coaches, team managers etc). They have to be at the Corner.

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